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Friday, April 20, 2007

Princess of my Heart

Found 2 interesting sites from silamgirl this morning: MalaysiaMums & cool sites with lots of baby contest and not forgetting those fruitful & juicy info about parenting... had registered myself into the sites too...don't want to miss the boat... hehehe..really envy lil' gary for winning so much baby contest..cheers to the hard effort of the mum...

Mummy has just submitted few Emeryn's photo for that available online's amazingly great seeing your child's photo on any website..well, not to emphasize so much on winning or the $$$ but it's fun trying your luck...who knows emeryn could be the next star or baby idol soon??? nah, just a silly example from a proud doubt emeryn is already the winner in my eyes..she's my baby and she's my everything...

Let's see if emeryn's photo could feature in any websites soon.... yeah, dreaming & hoping... Mummy wanted to submit my sweetheart's photo to as many contest as possible.. i seriously want to show her what mummy has done to her all this while when she is just a small tiny little innocent baby...i want her to feel proud and hope everything to be recorded, so that Emeryn will have a great memory of her childhood...

Emeryn, wondering when you could read the blog mummy write for you??? Hope you like it...
p/s: feel free to visit this link for emeryn's entry. vote for her ya...

click here for all contestants


Anonymous said...

Gary has made our family very proud of him. Mommy didn't do much...just submit contest forms only. LOL. It was his adorable looks that made him win most of the contest. Hehehe :)

Selina said...

Yes, you must be very proud of him.. you're just like his manager, running around and bringing him around for photo shoots...