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Monday, April 30, 2007

Parenthood Magazine May's Edition ~ Mini Me Contest..We Won

Received a comment on silamgirl's that my family (me, Jim & Emeryn) was featured in Parenthood Magazine May's goodness, i was so happy hearing it...yet i still don't believe it.. Jim was out for late supper and it was 12.40am.. called jim and asked him to get the magazine at any mamak stall if possible..later jim called back and confirmed it was us...i'm sooooo happy hearing it and can't wait to see it as soon as Jim is back...

It's Mini Me contest whereby i submitted both mine and jim's toddler pic when we were 1 year old together with a current family photo which included our lil' sweetheart. Well, to be honest, the family photo i submitted was the only one which we had so far... so shame, huh??? it was taken by suti, my maid and well it's not really a nice captured one... hehehehehe..what the heck as i don't have other choices..i submitted on early mac but on april's edition, we are not feature there and i thought we lose.. quite disappointed in a way...but now it turns out to be a celebration instead...yuhooooooo......

Do not know what are the prizes we won as i have yet to receive any letters from the gift department. As i know it's a Sweet Cherry product.... no worries, just wait then...and to make it more memorable, it's only 3 families photo will be featured in each month edition...

Guys, do you think emeryn look more like the mummy or the daddy???? Will submit more and more pic for all those contest...and not forgetting the caption i wrote "I have daddy's gorgeous smile and Mummy's black shiny hair. I have everything in them to be their little princess".


Anonymous said...

Congrats again !! It was her big eyes and cute clip on her hair that gave it away. LOL :)

Selina said...

Perhaps yes....she will always the star among us...:)

Living Incognito said...

Congratulations, Proud Mommy and Adorable Emeryn! Of course to Jimmy too! That picture is really nice. Perhaps you should take a studio family picture and hang across your living room? I have seen one of my work colleagues done that before, really nice too.

Selina said...

Yeah, family pic.. thought of that too but maybe when emeryn's a year old la...Thanks, Mei...