Glitter Words
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Monday, May 28, 2007

1st Day at School @ Tumble Tots

Today marked the first day Emeryn attended school... well, it's not a real school in actual fact.. it's more like a play school or children development centre.. the class supposes to start at 1pm but we arrived a bit late at about 1.15pm... To my surprise there aren't any kids around... there are 3 teachers and a principal.. mummy was told that all the 3 kids in the class went for holiday as this is holiday break... Well, it doesn't matter... imagine 3 teachers attending to Emeryn... paying all the attention to her alone... how nice???

Mummy is really afraid that Emeryn will cry again upon seeing stranger..but to mummy's surprise again, Emeryn was coping very well..superb.... she ain't crying at the entire whole lesson... perhaps the teachers are well trained... Emeryn was given a so-called name tag with her name on...

At first Emeryn was looking around and trying to familiarize with the new environment... she wasn't paying much attention while the teachers are singing instead she played with the toys around her... they sing together with some actions, doing some massage on Emeryn to encourage blood circulation and have Emeryn playing with the equipment around... i mean physical play in the baby gym.... by the end of the lesson, they played bubble games with Emeryn... the principal blew some bubbles and Emeryn try to catch it.. this activity is for her eyes and hands coordination... mummy went to toys R us to get a bubble game for Emeryn right after the lesson....

Emeryn enjoys it so much and she keeps on smiling happily... Mummy & Daddy were there monitoring Emeryn... she really has a lot of fun over there.. the teachers and the principal compliment that Emeryn is doing very well and she will be a fast learner....oh, boy... such a great compliment...Emeryn likes to walk around non-stop in the class....

We went home at about 2.05pm and it was raining heavily... teacher Ivy sends us to the car park... Emeryn start crying loudly once she is inside the car... daddy drove and passed the building... Emeryn stared at the building where her class is located... she is hinting to us that she wants to be there again and she has yet to enjoy herself enough just now.. Poor girl... Daddy promised to bring Emeryn to the class next week earlier so that Emeryn could have enough time there...

Cheers to Emeryn for going to school at 10months old...Mummy only took one photo of Emeryn as mummy is busy attending the class along with Emeryn too.. hehehe...

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