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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Random Facebook Updates

She was on iPad and I'm assuming she was downloading some new games when she asked "Mummy, how to spell Caterpillar Roar?" I then spelled for her. Frustrated, she didn't get what she wanted. So I walked over and checked. She was on YouTube searching for MTV. Know what was that supposed to be??? It's Katy Perry Roar.

Sept is definitely a good month and today mark my 10th Anniversary at JS. 10years (one third + of my life) is a long struggle but having what I have now, I have no regret and yet feeling proud of it; being able to live my life to the fullest and to travel to places with the people I love most. And more exciting news awaits. Sense of accomplishment and life couldn't get any better !!! 人生有多少个十年.

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