@ Persiaran Karpal Singh
@ the park
manicure & pedicure
The Raya holiday continues on Mon & Tues. On Mon, we went out lunch with Carmen Ee Ee and her family, Por Por and Ah Kong before heading over to Persiaran Karpal Singh. Mummy met up with Aunty Grace for a drinks at Coffeesmith, a relatively new coffee place. After the drinks, Emeryn insisted for a few rounds on her two wheels before we went over to the confinement center to pay a visit to Aunty Esther and her new born baby, Gabrilynn. Emeryn was feeling slightly under the weather on that day. We spent about 45mins at the confinement center before heading home.
While on Tues, we did nothing much but choose to stay indoor instead, catching up with Emeryn's homework. For the next three days, Emeryn attended her daycare while mummy was at work. In the morning session, she went to Ah Ma's daycare and mummy sent her to her own daycare during mummy's lunch break. On Wed, Emeryn tagged along with mummy for her massage session. Emeryn requested for a manicure and pedicure session upon seeing the center offering such service. The shop owner was too kind to let mummy swap her additional massage voucher to an express manicure and pedicure for Emeryn. Emeryn was so excited having her nails polished on her favorite colors. Mummy was running out of idea for dinner, so she settled for a simple toast bread on egg.
We dropped by at the playground around our neighborhood after daycare on Fri evening. Emeryn successfully mastered her cycling skills now and she made few new friends at the playground too. Before leaving, they make a date for cycling the next day. We had dinner before going home. We went to LWE on Sat noon as mummy was having some eye infection. Later in the afternoon Emeryn attended Art Class after taking a break for 2months. We drove out in the evening for our tom yam dinner, requested by Emeryn.
On Sun morning, we went for mummy's facial appointment. We had lunch after the facial appointment and then rushed to the Sunday class at Midlands Park. It was Emeryn's second time attending the class and they had charade on that day. We went over to Por Por's house for our Sun visit after the class. That was how we concluded the one week Raya holiday.
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