Exam date fixed on Oct 7th-11th. Mummy was so happy that the exam week does not coincides with our plan to KL. Earlier mummy has bought a flight ticket to KL, planning to bring Emeryn to Kidzania, Petrosains, Bird Park and etc. Knowing mummy would be away to KL on two days before the exam, she started the revision earlier than usual. It was a good start when we managed 2 hours of revision after school.
On Wed evening, Emeryn tagged along with mummy to her monthly gathering. This round was a treat from Esther for her birthday and we went to Kaffa at downtown. After the meal, we left at about 9pm. Upon reaching home, mummy had Emeryn showered. We then proceed with homework guidance from mummy. Mummy left Emeryn alone completing her homework while she went for her shower. After merely 10mins in the bathroom, mummy was surprised to see Emeryn fell asleep on the floor upon stepping out from the bathroom. Emeryn was undeniably tired.
We went for breakfast on Sat morning with mummy's friend before GB Maths class. Later Emeryn attended GB Maths and Art Class as usual while mummy went for her dental appointment.
Mummy did some wardrobe clearing for Emeryn on Sun morning and passed it to Uncle Lin Chun's niece her old clothing and books. We stayed in for lunch where mummy cooked Emeryn's favorite porridge. After lunch, we continue with the revision. Before heading to Por Por's place for our usual Sun visit, mummy brought Emeryn to the playground at Bukit Dumbar. Mummy brought along her camera to snap some photo but unfortunately she has left the sd card at home. After a short outdoor play, we headed to Por Por's place for dinner. Sherine Ee Ee, Ah Pak and Ah Mou dropped by as well. We chit-chat awhile before heading home.