Last week was the merdeka week...and again emeryn was sick... this time was HFMD and this would be her 2nd time down with HFMD... Poor emeryn.. she was just merely recovered from her UTI and now were on medication again... She got it frm Florence who was first infected with HFMD.. Both of them stay under the same roof in the afternoon.. Thus how could she not infected??? Emeryn started with a mild fever on Thur afternoon and were finally confirmed infected with HFMD on Sat after the visit to the clinic...
Ever since she had the fever, she refused her daily food intake included her fav milk... Must be those ulcers in her mouth making it uncomfortable for her to eat and drink...She became very hot tempered and make a big fuss during her meal time.. She cried most of the time and needed attention desperately... She demanded to be carry around and stay near mummy always...
It was a long Merdeka holiday but we did not go anywhere...Yesterday mummy & granny went to Queensbay for shopping in the hope to catch those big merdeka sale... Mummy bought few tops, pants and dresses for emeryn at 50%-70% discount... Mummy also managed to get 2 tops from Brands Outlet... In the afternoon, daddy brought emeryn 2 lil' tortoises... It was her first pet ever.. Hopefully emeryn will take good care of them.. Well, mummy paid for it and we claimed it as a gift from Daddy instead...After that, we went to the market and bought crabs and fish for dinner.. Mummy cooked her all time fav, spicy crab...
By now, emeryn could speak in a longer sentence such as the below:
She is learning to sing the below songs too:
Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars
London Bridge is Falling Down
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Are you sleeping?
Head and shoulder, knee and toe.
My lil' Emeryn is on her way to independent too.. Yippie!!! Happy 51st Merdeka and it was emeryn's 3rd year celebrating Merdeka...